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Can dogs eat radishes?

Dog playing with food on the grass

If you’re a dog owner, you’ll know how important it is to feed your best friend the right foods. You’ll also know that your dog is quite capable of eating anything and everything! Dogs are naturally curious about different foods and will often eat first and think later—usually without you even noticing. Unfortunately, this means that he might happily chow down on something that isn’t good for him or may even make him sick. In other cases, a dog owner may give their precious companion a particular food that they think is okay, but it turns out to be harmful.

There are lots of human foods dogs can eat that harbor great nutritional benefits. Some of them, you likely had no idea about!

One of the foods that many dog owners might not have considered giving their dog is radishes. Radishes are a crunchy root vegetable that are often added to salads or other cold dishes. They are usually eaten raw and have a slightly spicy, crisp taste. While humans have been eating radishes for centuries, they’re not often served up to dogs. But you may be surprised to learn that dogs can eat these little vegetables, too!

Are radishes good for dogs to eat?

Owners who already feed their beloved dog a range of ‘human’ food often ask, can dogs eat radishes? The good news is yes! Radishes are a safe and nontoxic vegetable, and dogs can eat them in moderation. If you love a bit of texture in your salad, radishes fit the bill perfectly—and dogs think so, too!  

Like many other crunchy vegetables, radishes serve as a healthy treat for dogs who need a stimulating food reward. And, of course, they're free of the harmful additives found in processed dog treats. Radishes are also super low in calories, so they’re especially good for dogs who can’t afford to put on more weight.

Even better, radishes are a great source of nutrients.

The benefits of giving your dog radishes

In addition to being safe for your dog, radishes deliver a boat load of nutritional benefits:

  • Healthy vitamins: Radishes are a good source of vitamin C and folic acid, which are great for your dog’s immune system. They also contain adequate amounts of Vitamins E, A, B6, and K, all of which help to keep your dog’s bodily systems running smoothly and support his daily energy levels.
  • High in fiber: Radishes provide a good amount of roughage that helps to move food through your dog’s digestive system. This can help to support bile production and keep him regular, while also nourishing his gut microbiome.
  • Source of antioxidants: Radishes contain anthocyanins, an important antioxidant. Antioxidants are currently being investigated for a range of suggested health benefits in humans, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They also help ward off free radicals, which are thought to cause premature aging and increase inflammation.
  • Support healthy blood pressure: Ayurvedic medicine even believes that radish has a cooling effect on the blood, which may reduce inflammation.
  • Nourish blood vessels: The high content of vitamin C in radishes helps support the formation of collagen in the body, which is required for the integrity of your dog’s blood vessels. Vitamin C and collagen are also important for the repair and maintenance of healthy connective tissue in the joints.
  • Plenty of minerals: Radishes contain a small amount of important minerals such as zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, and manganese. These all play important roles in your dog’s brain function, cell repair, and energy levels.

Can radishes be bad for dogs?

Radishes are known to be safe and are not toxic to dogs; however, as with any food, they should be given in moderation. After all, dogs are predominantly meat eaters and need a lot of protein in their daily diet. Radishes may contain plenty of nutrients, but they don’t have all of the essential amino acids dogs need to function properly. This simply means that a diet comprised of too many vegetables and not enough meat wouldn’t provide your dog with the nutrients he needs.

Remember: Adding too many ‘extras’ can unbalance your dog's diet, so ensure that no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories come from treats.

The high fiber content of radishes could also cause him to experience severe gas and bloating if he eats too many!

The best way to prepare radishes for dogs

If you want to start adding radishes to your dog's diet, be sure to start with small amounts. This will allow him to get used to the new vegetable.

Radishes are best eaten when fresh and raw, straight from the garden. If buying from a grocery store or from the market, seek out organic radishes where possible. This will reduce the risk of giving your dog potentially harmful pesticides or other chemicals.

How should I serve radishes to my dog?

A good way to help your dog enjoy his radishes safely is to prepare them as you would for yourself. This means slicing them up or chopping them into small pieces. Make sure the radish has been washed thoroughly first to rid them of any dirt or contaminants.

You may also like to blend or puree radishes into another meal to give an added boost of nutrients. Some dog owners have reported that they boil the radishes lightly before mixing them into other meats and vegetables. Simply add to a pot of water and allow to boil for a few minutes, then drain and cool.

There are lots of ways that radishes can keep your dog happy and healthy. Think of this humble little low-calorie vegetable as a natural multivitamin and dog treat in one!

Learn about more human foods that dogs can or can't eat

The article was written by Katie Stone on August 28, 2020.

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